To find our Chamber Member Businesses, choose from one of the following options:
- Search for business names or keywords in the search box below;
- Scroll through the alphabetical business listings, below on the left;
- Chose a category from the column, below on the right.
Please Contact Us if you have any problems finding what you need!
Kamiah Kiwanis Club
Meetings held weekly 6:45-7:45 a.m. Thursdays at Hearthstone Restaurant & Bakery
PO Box 614
Kamiah, ID 83536 US
Kamiah Pizza Factory
Sherry Dunning “We Toss ‘Em, They’re Awesome” Pizza Pasta Sandwiches Salads
814 3rd Street
PO Box 518
Kamiah, ID 83536 US
(208) 935-2134 (Office)
Kamiah Valley Historical Society and Museum
Shirlene Yates “Connecting the Past to the Present”
518 Main Street
PO Box 804
Kamiah, ID 83536 US
(208) 935-2209 (Office)
Business Categories
- Arts
- Auto & Fuel
- Construction & Supplies
- Florists/Garden Center/Lawn Care
- Government
- Health & Medical
- Insurance
- Lodging & RV Parking
- Manufacturing
- Miscellaneous Services
- News & Media
- Printing & Signs
- Professional & Financial Services
- Real Estate
- Recreation & Travel
- Rental Housing
- Restaurants & Food
- Schools
- Service Groups & Clubs
- Shopping
- Storage & Mobile Home Parks
- Technology
- Utilities